Please keep checking this page for information on the 2025 SRFB Grant Round. Contact [email protected] with questions.
Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board Lead Entity
Click here for information on the 2025 MONITORING GRANT PROGRAM
The UCSRB is the Lead Entity (LE) for the UC. “Lead Entities” is a term used by the state to define a county, city, conservation district, special district, tribal government, regional recovery organization, or other entity that is responsible for submitting a project list to the SRFB for funding consideration. The UCSRB is also the state-designated regional recovery organization and the LE is responsible for facilitating the process of compiling one project list and to submit that list for funding consideration to the SRFB. The UC regional approach to pursing both mitigation and recovery funds from all available sources is the result of years of collaborative work on the part of all interested parties to establish an effective and efficient process. Regional project and funding coordination is an on-going process. The details are identified from the Recovery Plan’s Implementation Schedule and developed within each of the Watershed Action Teams (WATs) in the region. The UCSRB currently facilitates two approaches to funding projects in the region: (1) targeted process of habitat programmatic funds; and (2) traditional grant applications (a.k.a. “Open 6-Step Funding Process”). The following guidance document focuses on the Open 6-Step Funding Process.
The Lead Entity (LE) Coordinator will help facilitate the movement of proposals through the review process. This includes assuring that the RTT, TRIB, and Citizens’ Committees receive review copies at appropriate times. Project sponsors should begin working with the LE early in the process to engage available services that will assist in developing competitive proposals for SRFB or TRIB funding.
Only the following are eligible to receive funding:
- Cities
- Counties
- Conservation districts
- Federally recognized Indian tribes
- Regional fisheries enhancement groups
- Special purpose districts
Nonprofit organizations registered with Washington’s Office of the Secretary of State. A nonprofit charter, organizational documents, or corporate purposes must include authority for the protection or enhancement of natural resources, such as salmon or salmon habitat, or related recovery activities. The charter must provide for an equivalent successor organization under the SRFB grant agreement in case the nonprofit dissolves.
Private landowners if they are private citizens and the restoration or planning projects are on their land. Individuals may not acquire land using SRFB grants. Landowner donation of time spent implementing a project may be eligible for non-reimbursable match. When receiving SRFB funding, individuals should consider any potential tax liabilities and may want to consult a tax professional or the Washington Department of Revenue for advice. Each situation is different and RCO does not provide any tax guidance.
Regional fisheries enhancement groups
Special purpose districts
A state agency with a local partner that is independently eligible to be a grant applicant. The local partner must be involved in the planning and implementation of the project, and must provide an in-kind or cash contribution to the project. This contribution does not need to be used as match (for example with design-only projects, which do not require match); however, the contribution must be documented in PRISM upon project completion. A project Partner Contribution Form must be completed and submitted with the application. Please note that state agencies were not permitted to purchase land using 2013-15 or 2015-17 PSAR funds.
Federal agencies may not apply directly, but may collaborate with eligible applicants. Projects may occur on federal lands. Consider federal restrictions on using federal money for match when applying for a grant.
Guidance Documents
Application Materials
Regional Project Pre-Application (JotForm)
2024 Pre-Applications
2024 Complete Applications
2024 Revised Applications
Evaluation Criteria
Monitoring Grant Round
The Salmon Recovery Funding Board has approved a new Monitoring Grant Program to begin in 2025. The Monitoring Grant Program is a statewide, competitive grant round offered in odd-numbered years beginning in 2025. Each project request may not exceed $300,000, and each region may only submit 2 proposals per round.
Only monitoring projects are eligible to receive this funding. The SRFB defines monitoring as: the ongoing and systematic collection and analysis of data in a standardized approach with the intent of informing salmon recovery actions. The program is guided by three strategic priorities identified for the 2025 and 2027 grant rounds as: survival bottlenecks, limiting factors, and project effectiveness.
Key deadlines for monitoring grants included in the grant schedule below. Please note, monitoring applicants must submit a letter of intent to RCO and the Lead Entity Coordinator AND a pre-proposal JotForm by March 12.
Please review Manual 18M for further details. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Lead Entity Coordinator, Ariel Edwards ([email protected]).