Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board

Our Mission

Working to support stakeholders in the restoration of viable salmonid populations and other at-risk species through collaborative processes that honor regional, cultural, economic and community values.

Featured Project


WA State Recreation and Conservation Office ($231,853); match from Tributary Committee ($216,854)

Completion Date:



Omak Creek – Okanogan Subbasin



Outcomes: 0.4 miles of stream treated for channel structure placement; 9 structures placed in channel; 0.4 acres planted in riparian; 0.4 miles of streambank planted

CCCNRD completed final design and implementation of the Wenatchee River-Monitor Side Channel project in 2021 which included construction of large wood structures, boulder clusters, and riparian vegetation installments along the 2,200 ft. Monitor side channel.  These structures created pools and channel complexity and improved summer and winter rearing habitat for ESA listed species in the Lower Wenatchee. In total, channel complexity additions include 6 large wood structures, 3 small apex and bank structures, 3 weir logs, 7 boulder clusters and 17 willow trenches placed at strategic locations.

Wenatchee River-Monitor Side Channel Construction