Recovery of ESA listed species relies on a strong community, healthy rivers and healthy forests all supported by the best science.


We collaborate with partners to facilitate implementation of salmon habitat restoration and protection projects that are consistent with the Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Plan.

This work includes:

  1. Coordinating with entities working in those sectors outside of habitat (i.e. hatchery, habitat, harvest and hydropower) to report progress toward program goals that similarly contribute to recovery.
  2. Serving as a coordinator for salmon recovery funding opportunities in the Upper Columbia region.

For more information on contact our Lead Entity Coordinator at [email protected]


We work with both natural and social science to understand the biological, physical and societal implications of ongoing river restoration efforts. Through our science program, we compile current information, regularly report on our progress to meeting established recovery goals and work to integrate actions across all sectors affecting salmon and steelhead (harvest, hatcheries, hydropower, and habitat). We also work with regional monitoring programs, the Regional Technical Team, and the partners to implement an agency-neutral, unbiased, locally-operated data management and analysis framework for fish and habitat. Through our efforts to coordinate and disseminate science we help support science in the region and ensure that information is useful and easily accessible.

This work includes:

  • Support the goal of integrating recovery across all management sectors affecting salmon and steelhead (harvest, hatcheries, hydropower, and habitat).
  • Tracks progress toward recovery goals through integrated recovery reporting, and by providing ongoing synthesis of the best available technical information that guides effective implementation.
  • Feed science into an adaptive process that enables continued learning and evaluation.

For more information contact our Science Manager at [email protected]


We facilitate the North Central Washington Forest Health Collaborative, a diverse group of timber industry representatives, conservationists, tribal government, elected officials, and local, state and federal land managers working together to restore the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in Chelan and Okanogan Counties.

The Facts:

  • Many of the listed bull trout populations reside on National Forest managed lands.
  • The Okanogan Wenatchee National Forest comprises 70% of the combined land base in Okanogan and Chelan counties.
  • Most of our snowpack dominated streams originate on National Forest managed lands.

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