Links to recently-released peer-reviewed papers related to salmon recovery.
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Patterns of Fish Assemblage Structure and Habitat Use among Main- and Side-Channel Environments in the Lower Kootenai River, Idaho. 2015. Carson J. Watkins , Bryan S. Stevens , Michael C. Quist , Bradley B. Shepard , Susan C. Ireland. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Vol. 144, Iss. 6.
“Understanding the current patterns of fish assemblage structure and their relationships with habitat is important for evaluating the effects of past and future rehabilitation projects on the river. Species-specific habitat associations were modeled, and the variables that best explained the occurrence and relative abundance of fish were identified in order to guide future habitat rehabilitation so that it benefits native species. The results indicated that the side-channel habitats supported higher species richness than the main-channel habitats and that nonnative fishes were closely associated with newly rehabilitated habitats.”
Ground-Based Thermal Imaging of Stream Surface Temperatures: Technique and Evaluation. 2015. Scott A. Bonar , Sally J. Petre. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. Vol. 35, Iss. 6.
“We evaluated a ground-based handheld thermal imaging system for measuring water temperatures using data from eight southwestern USA streams and rivers. We found handheld thermal imagers could provide considerably more spatial information on water temperature (for our unit one image = 19,600 individual temperature measurements) than traditional methods could supply without a prohibitive amount of effort. Furthermore, they could provide measurements of stream surface temperature almost instantaneously compared with most traditional handheld thermometers (e.g., >20 s/reading).”
Net rate of energy intake predicts reach-level steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) densities in diverse basins from a large monitoring program. 2015. C. Eric Wall, Dr. Nicolaas Bouwes, Dr. Joseph M. Wheaton, Dr. W. Carl Saunders, Dr. Stephen N. Bennett. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
“We found a strong, positive correlation (R2 = 0.61, p < 0.001) between predicted carrying capacities and observed fish densities. Predicted proportion of suitable habitat was weakly correlated with observed fish density (R2 = 0.18, p = 0.051), but the average net rate of energy intake prediction in sampling reaches was not a significant predictor of observed fish biomass. Our results suggest spatial configuration of habitat, in addition to quantity and quality, is an important determinant of habitat use.”
Developing an Effective Model for Predicting Spatially and Temporally Continuous Stream Temperatures from Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperatures. 2015. Kristina M. McNyset,Carol J. Volk 1 and Chris E. Jordan. Water 2015, 7(12), 6827-6846.
“We used remotely-sensed Land Surface Temperature (LST) data to estimate mean daily stream temperature for every confluence-to-confluence reach in the John Day River, OR, USA for a ten year period. Models were built at three spatial scales: site-specific, subwatershed, and basin-wide. Model quality was assessed using jackknife and cross-validation.”
Large wood transport and jam formation in a series of flume experiments. 2015. Davidson, S. L., MacKenzie, L.G. and Eaton, B.C. Water Resour. Res.. Accepted Author Manuscript.
“This research shows that the simulation of realistic wood dynamics is possible using a simplified physical model, and also has management implications, as it suggests that randomly added wood may organize into persistent, stable jams, and characterizes the time scale for this transition.”
Effects of Spatial Extent on Modeled Relations between Habitat and Anadromous Salmonid Spawning Success. 2015. Steven F. Railsback , Bret C. Harvey , Jason L. White. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. Vol. 144, Iss. 6.
“We address the question of spatial extent: how model results depend on the amount and type of space represented. For models of how stream habitat affects fish populations, how do the amount and characteristics of habitat represented in the model affect its results and how well do those results represent the whole stream? Our analysis used inSalmo, an individual-based model of anadromous salmonid spawning, incubation, and juvenile rearing.”
Length and Condition of Wild Chinook Salmon Smolts Influence Age at Maturity. 2015. Ian A. Tattam , James R. Ruzycki , Josh L. McCormick , Richard W. Carmichael. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. Vol. 144, Iss. 6.
“Smolt fork length, condition factor, and day of tagging all had significant associations with age at maturity. Conversely, we found no significant association between ocean conditions and age at maturity. The probability of age-3 maturation increased concomitant with increased smolt length. In contrast, the probability of maturation at age-5 was inversely related to smolt condition factor. Day of tagging had a significant effect, indicating that smolts tagged later in the spring had a higher probability of maturing at age 4 than age 3. Our data indicate that mean smolt size was greater when smolt abundance was lower, and larger smolts were ultimately associated with a younger age at maturity. For John Day Chinook Salmon, spawner escapements approaching or exceeding the stock–recruit replacement level appear to favor production of older Chinook Salmon.”
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