Other, Salmon Recovery, Science on the Street|

Links to recently-released peer-reviewed papers related to salmon recovery.

Full Article Access – We have linked to full-text copies of the articles where they are available. For questions about how to access the full text of other articles, please contact Greer Maier at [email protected].

Effects of land use on summer thermal regimes in critical salmonid habitats of the Pacific Northwest. 2018. Ryan P. Kovach, Clint C. Muhfeld, Robert Al-Chokhachy, Jeffrey V. Ojala, Eric K. Archer. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

Using Integrated Population Models to Evaluate Fishery and Environmental Impacts on Pacific Salmon Viability. 2018. Eric R. Buhle, Mark D. Scheuerell, Thomas D. Cooney, Michael J. Ford, Rich W. Zabel, James T. Thorson. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

A new method to estimate habitat potential for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): predicting the influence of dam removal on the Sélune River (France) as a case study. 2018. Guillaume Forget, Jean-Luc Bagliniere, Frederic Marchand, Arnaud Richard, Marie Nevoux, Caroline Durif. Ices Journal of Marine Science.

Effects of riparian revegetation on stream temperature in the Walla Walla basin.  2018. Evan T. Romasco-Kelly. Whitman College.

Salmon Habitat Restoration using Large Wood: Linking Stream Geomorphic Change and Restoration Effectiveness. 2018. Amelia Yeager. Oregon State University.

Juvenile salmonid monitoring following removal of Condit Dam in the White Salmon River Watershed, Washington, 2017. 2018. Ian G. Jezorek, Jill M. Hardiman. United States Geological Survey.

Salmon, science, and conservation: Organizational power and the listing and recovery planning of an endangered species. 2018. Randle J. Hart. Environmental Science & Policy.

Will future climate change increase the risk of violating minimum flow and maximum temperature thresholds below dams in the Pacific Northwest?. 2018. Henriette I Jager, Anthony W. King, Sudershan Gangrade, Angelina Haines, Christopher DeRolph, Bibi S. Naz, Moetasim Ashfaq. Climate Risk Management.

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