Every year the UCSRB keeps a close watch on the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) in the Congressional budget process. The PCSRF was established 14 years ago to address a coast-wide need to protect, restore and conserve Pacific Chinook, Coho, chum, sockeye and pink salmon and steelhead, and their habitat. This competitive grant program across 5 western states is important to each of those state and tribes to address the unique challenges in restoring viable salmon runs. In Washington State, the funds provide for capacity (e.g. UCSRB, WATs, Lead Entities) and habitat project implementation (e.g. SRFB). For over a decade, the PCSRF has returned multiples in rural economies from these federal investments, and has leveraged more than has been invested through the fund. Current research suggests that each $1 invested through PCSRF generates at least another $2.5 in local economic activity. Initially, the President’s proposed budget for PCSRF in FY 15 was set at $50M. Through strong work by Senator Patty Murray and Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler these critical funds were restored to $65 million in the 2015 budget.
Last modified: June 2, 2014