Environment, Salmon Recovery|

The Middle Methow (M2) project was initiated in 2010 as a coordinated effort by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation (MSRF) as the Project Sponsor. Over the next 10 years, MSRF completed six large scale projects in the M2 and we are currently working to develop and implement 5 more.

Project funding for planning and project administration will be provided by Reclamation.  Construction funding will be sought directly through the annual Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) targeted solicitation process through the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board (UCSRB) with technical review by the UCSRB Regional Technical Team (RTT).  Additional funding was secured from WA Salmon Recovery Funding Board, HCP Tributary Fund, US Fish and Wildlife Service.

The M2 Project has resulted in active restoration actions to restore natural processes, improve existing conditions and protect riparian and side channel habitat along and adjacent to the Methow River.  Actions were completed to restore natural function and improve floodplain and side-channel habitats on participating private and public properties along the river from RM 45.5—49.1.

This proposal targeted removal of placed barriers (dikes, levees, and fill) and prior bank stabilization projects (riprap armoring, Detroit riprap, and root-rap), reactivating side-channels, increasing instream habitat complexity, and reestablishing appropriate riparian plantings where they benefit salmonids most.

The most challenging actions were those designed to increase on-stream complexity in areas where levels of wood had been reduced by past removal or bank clearing. Wood placement sites will be carefully selected to minimize potential impacts to recreational users.  To ensure public safety, all wood placements were engineered to present the lowest level of risk to river users.

Content submitted by Chris Johnson, Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation. 

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