Links to recently-released peer-reviewed papers related to salmon recovery.
Full Article Access – We have links to full text copies of the articles where they are available. For questions about how to access the full text of other articles, please contact Greer Maier at [email protected]
Integrated Diet Analyses Reveal Contrasting Topic Niches for Wild and Hatchery Juvenile Chinook Salmon in a Large River Delta. 2018. Davis et al. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
Estimating the Benefits of widespread floodplain reconnection for Columbia River Chinook Salmon. 2018. Bond et al. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Earlier Migration Timing of Salmonids: An Adaptation to Climate Change or Maladaptation to the Fishery? 2018. Morita, K. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Tossing Salmon for Science. 2018. Segerstrom, C. High Country News.
Decoupling Outmigration from Marine Survival indicates Outsized Influence of Streamflow on Cohort Success for California’s Chinook Salmon Populations. 2018. Michel, C. J. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.