Links to recently-released peer-reviewed papers related to salmon recovery.
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Evaluation of Rainbow Trout Abundance, Biomass, and Condition Following Coho Salmon Reintroduction in Taneum Creek, Washington. 2016. Gabriel M. TempleTodd NewsomeTimothy D. Webster and Scott W. Coil. Northwest Science.
Life History Diversity of Snake River Steelhead Populations between and within Management Categories. 2017. Timothy Copeland, Michael W. Ackerman, Kristin K. Wright& Alan Byrne. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
Hot eats and cool creeks: juvenile Pacific salmonids use mainstem prey while in thermal refuges. Kimberly S. Brewitt, Eric M. Danner, and Jonathan W. Moore.
Nutrient loading by anadromous fishes: species-specific contributions and the effects of diversity. 2016. Cornelia W. Twining, Eric P. Palkovacs, Maya A. Friedman, Daniel J. Hasselman, David M. Post. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Current landscapes and legacies of land-use past: understanding the distribution of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and their habitats along the Oregon Coast, USA. 2016. E. Ashley Steel, Ariel Muldoon, Rebecca L. Flitcroft, Julie C. Firman, Kara J. Anlauf-Dunn, Kelly M. Burnett, and Robert J. Danehy. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Tributary effects in rivers: interactions of spatial scale, network structure, and landscape characteristics. 2016. Nicholas E. Jones and Bastian J. Schmidt. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Empirical evidence of plasticity in life-history characteristics across climatic and fish density gradients. 2016. Hillary G.M. Ward, John R. Post, Nigel P. Lester, Paul J. Askey, and Theresa Godin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Causes and Consequences of Straying into Small Populations of Pacific Salmon. 2017.Nolan N. Bett, Scott G. Hinch, Nicholas J. Burnett, Michael R. Donaldson & Sean M. Naman. Journal of Fisheries.
Thermal effect of climate change on groundwater-fed ecosystems. 2017. Erick R. Burns, Yonghui Zhu, Hongbin Zhan, Michael Manga, Colin F. Williams, Steven E. Ingebritsen, Jason B. Dunham. Water Resources Research.
Dissolved oxygen, stream temperature, and fish habitat response to environmental water purchases. 2017.Sarah E. Null, Nathaniel R. Mouzon and Logan R. Elmore. Journal of Environmental Management.
Linking models across scales to assess the viability and restoration potential of a threatened population of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Middle Fork John Day River, Oregon, USA. 2017. Peter A. McHugh, W. Carl Saunders, Nicolaas Bouwes, C. Eric Wall, Sara Bangen, Joseph M. Wheaton, Matthew Nahorniak, James R. Ruzycki, Ian A. Tattam, Chris E. Jordan. Ecological Modelling.
Incorporating climate change into culvert design in Washington State, USA. 2017. George F. Wilhere, Jane B. Atha,Timothy Quinn, Ingrid Tohver, and Lynn Helbrecht. Ecological Engineering.
Incorporating food web dynamics into ecological restoration:a modeling approach for river ecosystems. 2017. J. Ryan Bellmore, Joseph R. Benjamin, Michael Newsom, Jennifer A. Bountry, and Daniel Dombroski. Ecological Applications.
Thermal effect of climate change on groundwater-fed ecosystems. 2017. Erick R. Burns, Yonghui Zhu, Hongbin Zhan, Michael Manga, Colin F. Williams, Steven E. Ingebritsen, Jason B. Dunham. Water Resources Research.