Science on the Street|

Links to recently-released peer-reviewed papers related to salmon recovery.

Full Article Access – We have linked to full-text copies of the articles where they are available. For questions about how to access the full text of other articles, please contact Greer Maier at [email protected].


Spawning Habitat of Hatchery Spring Chinook Salmon and Possible Mechanisms Contributing to Lower Reproductive Success. 2017. Michael S. Hughes & Andrew R. Murdoch. Transaction of the American Fisheries.

Age and Method of Release Affect Migratory Performance of Hatchery Steelhead. 2017. Christopher P. Tatara, Matt R. Cooper, William Gale, Benjamen M. Kennedy, Chris R. Pasley & Barry A. Berejikian. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

Large Wood and Instream Habitat for Juvenile Coho Salmon and Larval Lampreys in a Pacific Northwest Stream. 2017. Rosalinda Gonzalez, Jason Dunham, Scott Lightcap & Jeff McEnroe. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

Monitoring Salmon Habitat Status and Trends in Puget Sound: Development of Sample Designs, Monitoring Metrics, and Sampling Protocols for Large River, Floodplain, Delta, and Nearshore Environments. 2017. Timothy J. Beechie, Oleksandr Stefankiv, Britta Timpane-Padgham, Jason Hall, George R. Pess, Mindy Rowse, Martin Liermann, Kurt Fresh, & Mike Ford. U.S. Department of Commerce- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Size and growth relationships in juvenile steelhead: The advantage of large relative size diminishes with increasing water temperatures. 2017. Knut Marius Myrvold & Brian Patrick Kennedy. Environmental Biology of Fishes.

Interactions Between Nonnative American Shad (Alosa Sapidissima) and Fall Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) in Lower Columbia River Food Webs. 2017. Craig A. Haskell. Dissertation at Washington State University.

2017 State of the Rockies Report: Inclusive River Governance for a Changing West. 2017. Jonah Seifer.

Egg Size and The Adaptive Capacity of Early Life History Traits in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). 2017. Michael W. Thorn & Yolanda E. Morbey.

The Evolutionary Basis of Premature Migration in Pacific Salmon Highlights the Utility of Genomics for Informing Conservation. 2017. Daniel J. Prince, Sean M. O’Rourke, Tasha Q. Thompson, Omar A. Ali, Hannah S. Lyman, Ismail K. Saglam, Thomas J. Hotaling, Adrian P. Spidle, & Michael R. Miller. Science Advances.

Increasing Water Temperatures Exacerbate the Potential for Density Dependence in Juvenile Steelhead. 2017. Knut Marius Myrvold & Brian Patrick Kennedy. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

Response of Steelhead/Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Populations to Debris Flows. 2017. Jason L. White & Bret C. Harvey. Northwest Science Association.

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