Would you like to see salmon in our valley?
It is always a great time to be outdoors with your family viewing salmon!
Please use the attached brochure to see salmon in our valley in their native habitat. Viewing sites from Leavenworth to Okanogan are listed in the attached brochure and will provide hours of learning and enjoyment for you and your family! Please use safe viewing practices and respect all signage and private property boundaries. Get out and get fishy and enjoy viewing salmon from January to December with your family!
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The UCSRB recently created a document with new information on emerging issues on the Upper Columbia and its critical habitat for salmon and Steelhead. Emerging issues such as, low returns, poor ocean conditions, orca whales who are struggling to survive, sea lions, avian habitat, intenser fire seasons and drought degraded habitat are all conditions that affect our listed salmonids.
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Would you like to volunteer?
Please contact the UCSRB office at (509) 662-4707 for volunteer opportunities with our organization or we will gladly put you in touch with our partner organizations who are looking for volunteers as well!
Things you can do
Getting Involved in Salmon Restoration
Salmon habitat restoration benefits the community at large from improving water quality and increasing salmon populations, to improving habitat for a large variety of wildlife species enjoyed by everyone. Habitat restoration occurs on both public and private lands in the Upper Columbia region. Restoration grant opportunities for salmon recovery projects are made available by various sources throughout the year including; the Salmon Recovery Funding Board, Bonneville Power Administration, National Ocean & Atmospheric Administration, Washington State Resource and Conservation Office and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
For additional information on how to participate in restoration, volunteer activities or other ways to get involved, please e-mail the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board, or call 509.662.4707.
Help Salmon by Conserving Water at Home
You can significantly reduce the volume of wastewater discharged to your home septic system. If you have a septic system, by decreasing your water usage, you can help prevent your system from overloading and contaminating ground water and surface water (seventy-five percent of drain field failures are due to hydraulic overloading).
- Use low-flow faucets, shower heads, reduced-flow toilet flushing equipment, and water saving appliances such as dish and clothes washers.
- Repair leaking faucets, toilets, and pumps.
- Use dishwashers and clothes washers only when fully loaded.
- Take short showers instead of baths and avoid letting faucets run unnecessarily.
- If you need to wash your car, take it to a commercial carwash that uses water efficiently and disposes of runoff properly.
- Do not over-water your lawn or garden as over-watering can lead to leaching of fertilizers to ground water.
- For watering your lawn or garden, use slow-watering techniques such as trickle irrigation or soaker hoses (such devices reduce runoff and are 20-percent more effective than sprinklers).