With 40 stakeholders present, the North Central Washington Forest Health Collaborative (NCWFHC) convened in June and September 2013. Eager to get into action, the group has developed the necessary procedural framework by which the Collaborative will work. The new operating protocols generally spell out the mission, functions and structure of the NCWFHC.
A Steering Committee is currently drafting goals and objectives for the NCWFHC, as well as discussing the development of “zones of agreement” or criteria for restoration projects across the OWNF. The Outreach/Education and Projects Workgroups are drafting work-plans for 2014, and the Projects Workgroup is also exploring project-level functions in which the NCWFHC might engage.
The next meeting of the NCWFHC is December 4, 2013 at the Cashmere Riverside Center. For more information contact Melody Kreimes at [email protected]