2018 Upper Columbia Science Conference


January 24-25, 2018 | Wenatchee, Washington


The Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board (UCSRB) hosted our third regional salmon recovery science conference on January 24 & 25, 2018 in Wenatchee, WA. Almost 300 people attended the 2018 Upper Columbia Science Conference. The conference was based on the theme of “The Science of Survival” to reflect the region’s continued focus on science related to survival bottlenecks. Similar to our 2013 and 2016 conferences, the UCSRB brought in experts from across the Northwest to present the latest and most compelling science. Click on the links above to see the program and presentations as well as a list of attendees.

The UCSRB Science Conferences are intended for a variety of audiences including monitoring and research professionals, project sponsors, contractors, regional technical team members, elected officials, agency representatives, academics, and the public. The four objectives for the conference are to:

  1. Connect science with recovery efforts,
  2. Share and discuss information about listed species in the Upper Columbia and their habitat,
  3. Bring experts from outside the region to share ideas, and
  4. Network and interact with others working on salmon recovery throughout the region.

Sponsors and exhibitors were a huge part of making this conference a success and we would like to thank everyone who helped make this conference a success.

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