2014 Life History Workshop


April 16, 2014 | Wenatchee, WA


The intent of the Upper Columbia Life History Workshop was to provide participants with current information about general life history patterns that have been observed across the region as well as specific information on habitat use in each of the four subbasins (Wenatchee, Entiat, Methow, and Okanogan). Participants shared information through informal panels, presentation, and discussion. The following key questions were addressed in the workshop:

1)     What do we know and what do we not know about the freshwater life history and habitat use of spring Chinook and steelhead in the Upper Columbia?

2)     What are the applications and implications of life history patterns and habitat use to habitat projects and recovery plan implementation?

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9:00 AM Welcome & Introductions Derek Van Marter (UCSRB)
9:15 AM Life History Patterns and Habitat Use in the Upper Columbia– SESSION INTRODUCTION Greer Maier (UCSRB)
9:30 AM Chinook and Steelhead Habitat Use and Behavior Tracy Hillman (BioAnalysts)
10:00 AM Spring Chinook and Steelhead Life History and Habitat Use by Subbasin Panel Discussion (see members below)
1:30 PM Overview of Bull Trout Life History John Crandall (Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation)
2:00 PM Implications and Application of Life History and Habitat Use Information – SESSION INTRODUCTION Greer Maier (UCSRB)
2:15 PM Restoration Considerations Tracy Hillman (BioAnalysts)
2:30 PM Application of Life History and Habitat Use Information to Habitat Projects Panel Discussion (see members below)
3:30 PM Implications of Carrying Capacity to Life History and Habitat Use Todd Pearsons (Grant PUD) and Tracy Hillman (BioAnalysts)
4:00 PM Applying Life History Information Using Modeling Jeremy Cram (WDFW), Eric Doyle (ICF International), and James Murphy (ISEMP)
4:30 PM Summary and Wrap-Up Greer Maier (UCSRB)