
If you are planning a development or restoration project that is potentially located over, or in, a navigable body of water (State Owned Aquatic Lands), or if you seek information whether your project is on State Owned Aquatic Lands, please remember to consult with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) early in your process. DNR has recently claimed ownership of the Entiat River, Chewuch River, White River, and Icicle Creek in the Upper Columbia.  If you have upcoming projects in these tributaries please contact Allen Lebovitz, Aquatics Restoration Manager (contact below).  Allen has attended many Upper Columbia Watershed Action Team meetings and has been very helpful in determining state ownership and providing more information on the Department’s authorization process.

Please Contact: Allen Lebovitz
Aquatics Restoration Manager
DNR Aquatics Division — Rivers District
[email protected]


The following forms will be needed if your project is on state owned aquatic lands:
Guidelines for Securing Use Authorization for Restoration and Mitigation Projects.  Project proponents are required to fill out the form below if you plan to carry out habitat restoration or compensatory habitat mitigation projects on state-owned aquatic lands and need authorization from the DNR.

DNR Public Safety Checklist for Large Woody Debris Project.  Once a project proponent has authorization from DNR to carry out a habitat restoration project on state-owned aquatic lands, and if the project is a large wood instream project, the proponent needs to fill out a public safety checklist.  This is the same checklist WDFW uses if a project is on the lands they manage.

Thanks to Allen Lebovitz/WDNR

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