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Request for Proposals: BPA Programmatic Habitat Funding 2025
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board (UCSRB) invite project proposals for BPA’s Upper Columbia Programmatic 2025 funding. In 2011, the UCSRB and BPA initiated the Upper Columbia Programmatic Habitat Project to help direct technical and funding resources to partners working to restore stream habitat for ESA-listed spring Chinook Salmon and summer steelhead populations. As a co-sponsor to the Programmatic, the UCSRB collaborates with BPA to ensure regional project selection criteria are aligned with Action Agency tributary habitat mitigation obligations under the Columbia River System Biological Opinion and the Upper Columbia Biological Strategy.
BPA and UCSRB are requesting proposals for habitat restoration projects (design and implementation) in the Upper Columbia region that support the recovery of ESA-listed species, particularly spring-run Chinook Salmon and steelhead. This request for proposals (RFP) aims to fund projects contributing to the implementation of the Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Plan by improving habitat quality and quantity in the Wenatchee, Entiat, Methow, and Okanogan subbasins. All non-Accord partners are welcome to apply.
Programmatic Funding Priorities
The goal of this RFP is to direct BPA’s resources where they can accomplish the greatest improvements to the primary limiting factors affecting spring Chinook and steelhead through on-the-ground projects and the associated efforts to develop those projects. Like the SRFB process, BPA uses the Upper Columbia Biological Strategy and Prioritization Strategy to identify the highest priority restoration areas and actions. Proposal evaluation will be based largely upon the biological benefits provided by the projects. Sponsors are encouraged to submit projects that:
- Occur within a high-priority assessment unit for restoration. Projects that improve habitat quantity and quality within high-priority assessments units (as identified in the Prioritization Strategy; Prioritization Web Map), or provide access to such habitat, will achieve the highest scores.
- Occur within a high-priority reach within a high-priority assessment unit. Projects that improve habitat quantity and quality within high-priority reaches (as identified in the Prioritization Strategy; Prioritization Web Map), or provide access to such habitat, will achieve the highest scores.
- Directly improve the functional processes that will reduce the effects of primary limiting factors (as identified in the Prioritization Strategy; Prioritization Web Map) at the reach scale.
- Implement restoration treatments within the Priority Action Categories specific to the project reach (as identified in the Prioritization Strategy; Prioritization Web Map).
In addition, the scoring of proposed projects may also consider the geomorphic context, temporal effects, methods, benefits to survival or capacity, cost effectiveness, and feasibility.
Application Process
Applications must be submitted through the Online Regional Application Form. The deadline for applications is November 29, 2024, at 5:00 pm. Proposals will be scored by the Upper Columbia Regional Technical Team (RTT) using their project scoring criteria. The online application includes questions that address the scoring criteria (RTT Scoring Criteria). Project proposals will be scored starting in November, as they are received, and reviewed by BPA/UCSRB through January 2025. Project sponsors might be required to provide additional details to the RTT and/or BPA or engage in discussions regarding location, limiting factors, biological benefits, and other technical aspects of the project proposal. The sponsor might also be invited to present their project proposal at an RTT meeting to aid in scoring. If your proposal is not selected for BPA funding, you can request it be considered for funding through the 2025 SRFB process and your application will be considered a “project pre-application.”
Proposal Timeline
October 15, 2024 | RFP shared with sponsors |
November 29, 2024 | Proposal deadline |
December 2024 | RTT scores proposals |
January 2025 | BPA/UCSRB internal review of proposals |
February 2025 | Decisions communicated to sponsors |
The current round is open for Federal FY 2025.
Contact Meghan Camp ([email protected]) if you would like to receive future solicitation information.
The following entities are eligible for Programmatic funding:
- Local Government Entities
- State Restoration Partners
- Non-profit Organizations
- Conservation Districts
- Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups
For questions or application assistance, please contact Meghan Camp ([email protected]), or Tim Hanrahan ([email protected]). We look forward to reviewing your applications.